CTA launches “Household Listing Survey” in Nepal and India

Kathmandu, Feb 5: The exile Tibetan Administration at Dharamshala, India, is to compile a database of exile Tibetan households in a project that will be launched after the Tibetan New Year, Losar, which begins on Feb 10. This was announced at a press conference on Feb 2 as a project to be jointly undertaken by four departments of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), namely the departments of Health, Education, Religion & Culture, and Home.

The first project of its kind to be launched by the CTA will cover Tibetan households in India and Nepal and is meant to facilitate informed initiation and implementation of social-economic welfare and benefit programmes.

“As we currently lack a proper household list of the Tibetan communities in India and Nepal, this forthcoming survey would provide us with an accurate statistic and help us efficiently formulate future projects. In the past, because of the dearth of actionable data, our high-cost projects have sometimes gone into ineffective, the CTA-run Tibet.net Feb 2 quoted Palden Dhondup, Secretary of the Department of Home, as saying at the press conference.

The “CTA Household Listing Survey 2024” will be launched with the training of the project’s enumerators on Feb 17 for two days. This will be followed by the trained enumerators visiting the Tibetan households in the different settlements and other communities, with the compilation exercise continuing up to the end of Mar 2024.

There will be a number of questionnaires relevant to the needs of the four departments and respondents will only need to answer those that are applicable to them, said Mr Palden Dhondup at the press conference. He urged all Tibetans in the two countries to cooperate for the success of the listing exercise.

CTA has hired the professional service of the Sambodhi Research and Communications Pvt Ltd. for carrying out the survey exercise. The settlement heads will take the main responsibility in the exercise.

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